Career Fair Success

Many times individuals that relocate to Dallas have difficulty finding a new opportunity if they do not relocate with their current company. Dallas has lots of opportunities. Some of which you can learn about at career fairs. If you are in a situation where you are currently looking for opportunities and you have already relocated to Dallas these tips and sources could be helpful for you. 

Dress for Success.

When attending career fairs appearance is important. Often times the first impression will determine how much time a recruiter will spend with you before moving on to the next candidate.

Arrive Early.

Recruiters often spend multiple hours at career fairs talking to many individuals that have interest in their company. Energy is higher in the mornings for the recruiters. The earlier you arrive the more time you may receive in front of the potential employer.  


Resumes, pens, and portfolios are typical supplies needed for a Career Fair. Many career fair companies will have recommendations on the amount of resumes you should bring. A safe number to have with you is 7-10.

Advanced Research.

When looking for a new opportunity time is of the essence. Do your research in advanced of attending a career fair. Are there specific companies you will want to speak with? Will your industry be represented? Complete the due diligence necessary to ensure success for you. (One note of caution: Do not discredit a company at a career fair without speaking to them first. Many small businesses participate in career fairs and can provide you with increased professional development opportunities because of their organization’s bandwidth.)


As a continuation of the last tip, make sure that you are networking with EVERYONE at the career fair. You can have conversations with individuals that are in line or waiting to see employers they may have suggestions on leads for other opportunities. Conversations with potential employers that are not a good fit for you can lead to future opportunities if you build strong enough of a rapport. Successful career transitioning begins with a positive outlook and open mindset.

Thank You.

Make sure that you send a thank you email and or letter following the event. Strongly consider a thank you note. No one sends them anymore. Everyone sends email. This can be an opportunity for you to stand out from the crowd. 

Click the event sponsors name in order to register for the event or receive further details. 

Plano Career Fair, Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 11a-2p

National Career Fairs

Dallas Sales and Sales Managers Career Fair, Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 09a-2:30p

Hire Live

Dallas Career Fair, Thursday, August 20, 2015, 11a-2p

Choice Career Fairs

Fort Worth Career Fair, Thursday, August 27, 2015 11a-2p

National Career Fairs

Dallas Job Fair, Monday, September 14, 2015, 11a-2p

Coast to Coast Career Fair